Monthly Archives: August 2014

Flickr User Daniel Oines

If you don’t know where you are going…

We need to stop talking about what we want to be when we grow up and start focusing on the things we actually like doing.

Parenting tip #2 – Kids can fill out forms too!

Parenting tip #2 – Kids can fill out forms too Before school starts, we attend orientation at our school, sometimes known as Facts and Fees. Its usually a short trip to the school so your child can locate her new classroom, meet her new teachers, deliver the 3 grocery bags of school supplies, and pay […]

Parenting Tip#1 Winning and Losing

My youngest hates to lose. That is probably pretty normal for kids who are 8 years old. She hates it so much she cheats and changes the rules to increase her chances to just about 100%. The other day at checkers we were at a stand off. She refused to move any of her bottom […]

I wish I had someone tell me…

“I wish I had someone tell me in a straightforward way, what [working life] was going to be like.” Lauren Berger Lauren Berger, author of Welcome to the Real World, launched her own company, Intern Queen, in a reaction to experiencing her first job after graduating from college. She is a great example of the type […]